Moravian Close, 381 King's Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0LP
The Fetter Lane Congregation of the Moravian Church was founded in 1742 by members of the Church who had come to London in search of passage to the British colonies in the Caribbean in order to take the Gospel to the slave communities. They realised that there was work to do here in this country and that there were people here, like James Hutton and the Wesley Brothers with whom to do it. After holding worship meetings in peoples' homes, a permanent place was created at Fetter Lane in the heart of the City of London. The congregation, which was served by ministers from Germany and Great Britain, also had links with the Moravian Chapel and burial ground (God’s Acre) in Chelsea based around Lindsey House.
Unfortunately the Fetter Lane Chapel was destroyed by enemy bombing in 1941 and the congregation became disparate, worshipping in chapels of various denominations, mostly south of the Thames.
Eventually, in the 1960s it was decided to re-establish the Fetter Lane Congregation at the Chelsea site. This is where the congregation has worshipped ever since, with the responsibility of looking after the God's Acre, which contains the graves of such as Peter Böhler, John Cennick and James Hutton.
We must remember that the Moravian Church is a missionary church, and the members of the Congregation have identified how they, in this place, may be “fit for purpose”:
PRAISE - We are here to praise God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, through our worship and witness.
PROCLAMATION - Our calling as Christians is to proclaim to the world the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to show people God’s love shown to us in Jesus Christ, and how acceptance of that can change lives.
PRESENCE - We must be seen as part of the community in which we are situated, sharing concerns and meeting needs.
PRAYER - As part of the community, we must pray for the community, and pray with the community.
Worship times
First Sunday of the month with Holy Communion at 3.00pm
Other Sundays at 11.00am (with exceptions for some special services at 3.00pm)
The MWA leads the service on the third Sunday of the month.
Ministers: Rev Michael Newman and Rev David Howarth
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Tel: 020 8883 3409
Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Treasurer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.