An update from the recent Unity Board Meeting: Steadfast in Growth

An update from the recent Unity Board Meeting: Steadfast in Growth

Between 23rd and 30th September, the Unity Board of the Worldwide Moravian Church convened their biennial meeting in Antigua (Eastern West Indies Province). The Unity Board is the governing body of our worldwide church that sits between Unity Synods, which last took place in Cape Town, South Africa in September 2024. The Unity Board is composed of Chairs, or representatives of the 25 Provincial Boards of the Unity Provinces as well as eight Mission Provinces. While this may seem slightly complicated, the joy lies in recognising that it is brothers and sisters from many different cultures, languages and backgrounds coming together to work collaboratively as a collective, determined to learn from each other and build upon our shared heritage and mission.

Our theme this year was: Steadfast in Growth: Upholding Identity, Embracing New and Established Work Amidst Persecution and Changing Landscapes. Following outcomes from the Unity Synod, the door has been opened to discussions on the inclusivity of the Moravian identity, exploring how the church can remain true to its theological foundations while being open to diverse expressions of faith. The Unity Board also acknowledges the difficulties faced by Christians, including Moravians, in parts of the world where political and religious pressures challenge their ability to worship freely. Amidst changing global landscapes, the Moravian Church rejoices in regions where religious freedom thrives, though it remains mindful of the economic and political hurdles that some congregations face.

As we started to gather for the week, we were welcomed with a wonderful reception hosted by the Eastern West Indies Province. This was a time for greeting each other and fellowship before we began our business sessions. Our days started and closed with prayers and singing. As Unity Board President, I chaired the meetings and, along with Br Jørgen Bøytler, the Unity Board Administrator, we presented the reports and updates on the ongoing working of the Unity Office. This was followed by presentations from each of the Unity and Mission Provinces. We also heard updates from mission areas and emerging mission areas.

Resolutions from the Unity Synod 2023 were addressed. This included the establishment of new Mission Areas in Angola and Brazil, the Moravian Church's role in Practical Creation Care, and discussions on Unity statistics, specifically regarding the concept of membership. A significant resolution was the Unitas Fratrum Apologetic Efforts for its Complicity in the Institution of Slavery, where it was further agreed that research into the Moravian Church's historical involvement with slavery would involve both Moravian and independent research from the University of the West Indies.

We welcomed Sr Anda Nkosi, President of the Moravian Church Foundation and we directed their priorities for the next inter synodal period. Reports from Unity Undertakings and Committees, including the Unity Committee on Theology (UCOT), the Unity Mission and Development Board (UMDB), the Unity Youth Committee (UYC), and the Women's Desk (UWD), were shared and discussed. A new Unity Archives Committee (UAC) was also formed. We heard of the difficulties faced at Star Mountain Rehabilitation Centre in the West Bank, affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine. The staff at the centre remain committed to continuing their work and the Unity Board reaffirmed our commitment and support to Star Mountain.

There was a focus on the Unity's financial position, with a recognition that over recent years many Provinces had fallen into arrears with assessments. Going forward we will enter into a period of financial reconciliation, with plans to write off debt from 2014-2016, and establish a covenant as a Unity to focus on the contributions in the year ahead, reducing older arrears by a percentage based on full payments going forward. While a challenging discussion, there was a shared resolve and solidarity showing a desire to mutually support each other.

As well as the formal sessions, I deeply valued the opportunities of fellowship and eating together. This was a chance to build relationships and share experiences and ideas. On Sunday 29th September the Unity Board split themselves across the 15 congregations on the Island of Antigua and I was delighted to bring greetings to Lebanon Moravian Church. A highlight of the day came when I arrived at the congregation and heard my name shouted across the yard. I was delighted to be greeted by sisters from Harold Road congregation in London, it really is a small world!

As the week concluded, regional representatives were appointed to form the Unity Executive Committee:

• African Region: Br Erord Simae, Tanzania Rukwa Province

• American Region: Br Neil Routh, American South Province

• Caribbean and Latin American Region: Br Algernon Lewis, Eastern West Indies Province

• European Region: Sr Roberta Hoey, British Province

I was honoured to be re-elected President of the Unity Board, with Br Algernon Lewis elected as Vice President. I am very grateful for the hard work that was committed to by all members of the Unity Board, Br Bøytler, our secretary Br Jeremy B Francis and our Spanish translator, Sr Yisselle Bridge. This meeting was not only a time for business but also storytelling, as we learnt from each other and strengthened our bond as one Church. I give thanks to our Chief Elder, for guiding us forward in unity and strength - Jesus, still lead on!

Sr Roberta Hoey

President of the Unity Board

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