The Ordination of Sr Susan Quildan-Foreman

The Ordination of Sr Susan Quildan-Foreman

On Saturday 21st September 2024 Sr Susan Quildan-Foreman was ordained at Hornsey Moravian Church. It was a very special occasion in so many ways. It was wonderful to see someone who had served so willingly from youth, accepting and accomplishing the role God had reserved for her.

It was heart-warming to see so many family and members from Moravian churches, Hornsey, Harlesden and Harold Road where Susan is the present minister. Also, there were people who attended her Sunday school and youth group, friends from other churches, as well as colleagues from college and places of work.

The procession of bishops, candidate and ministers entered the church to the rousing singing of 'O Lord My God', the first of Susan's selected hymns. Bishop Sarah Groves led the opening prayers, followed by the Lord's prayer being said by all. The first of Sr Susan's requested bible readings, Colossians 2:1-2, 3:12-17, was read by her daughter Eleanor.

We continued with another wonderful rendition of 'Blessed Assurance' followed by the chorus 'This Little Light of Mine', first sung by Sr Susan's daughter and granddaughter, then the congregation. Sr Christine Emanuel, Susan's sister, then read the second scripture from Isaiah 6:1-9.

Br Michael Newman in his address outlined a little of Susan's early years, baptised in a Methodist Church, attended a Baptist Church and went to a Church of England School. In her early teens, following her brother Edwin's example, she joined the Hornsey congregation. They both attended the young Christians group, run by minister Br Dick Connor and Sr Shelagh his wife. Susan enjoyed helping in church activities. Eventually, Susan and her sisters Christine and Sylvia led the Sunday and young people's group for many years. He spoke of a special Sunday school project Susan organised, a mosaic now hanging in the main hall. This was done to remember members who had passed away, their initials were incorporated in the design, many blank spaces were left, but they have now been filled. Susan supported the minister Br Joachim Kreusel, also being involved in other aspects of church life, without being at the forefront. She was appointed church superintendent, also member of the church committee.

Her training started at Northern College, and her first placement was with a husband-and-wife team pastoring eight United Reformed Churches. She then worked with a team of multi-faith Chaplain's at North Middlesex Hospital, and at a hospice which was quite an eye-opener, but a worthwhile experience. Due to COVID some of her training was done on Zoom. As the pandemic eased, she took part in leading services in Leicester and helped in the adjacent community centre.

Subsequently, she was called to Hornsey to join Br Michael. During her 18 months there, he valued her insight, involvement and enjoyed working with her. She led worship twice monthly, Bible studies, chairing meetings, in fact participating fully in the life of the church. She has now been called to serve the Harold Road congregation, and how she has adapted to both churches admirably to serve on her own.

After the doxology the bishop as her fellow elder, gave his final charge. To tend Christ flock, watch and care for them as God watches and cares for you. Support the weak, comfort the dying seek the lost, bring in the outcast. Proclaim the Gospel. After this charge, it was my privilege from the Hornsey congregation to dress Sr Susan with the surplice and Brs Christopher and Junior Mwaisango from the Harold Road congregation presented her with a Bible.

The service continued with two beautiful renditions from an excellent opera singer Olive Murray, 'Ave Maria' and 'I know that my redeemer liveth', while the bishop signed the Ordination Certificate. After the Benediction, and during the recessional hymn 'Great is thy faithfulness', the bishop, Sr Susan and other ministers processed from the Church.

The hall was beautifully decorated, and the steel band with Br Harry Hughes and his group played lovely music and once everyone was seated, prayers were said, and the feast began. The food was excellent and in abundance, fruits, drink and a variety of cakes.

Sr Susan thanked everyone for attending, she made a special mention of a few people who have been great support and encouragement to her over the years. She also talked about parental advice given to them by their father, saying; he taught them to play cricket and other games, but instilled the meaning of fair play. Her mother made sure they regularly attended church, so teamwork and being fair means a great deal to her.

All in all, it was a very special occasion, the significance of the service, the rousing singing, meeting and greeting with friends, and long-lost acquaintances. This day and an occasion will have a special impact not only on Sr Susan. May God continue to pour out His richest blessings on her, as she goes forward in faith and trust giving her strength in everything she does.

Sr Hyacinth Christian


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