Men's Fellowship
The British Moravian Men's Fellowship aims to co-ordinate and build up the work of the Kingdom of God amongst the men of the Province.
Membership is open to all men, whether members of the Moravian Church or not, who are in sympathy with the aims of the Fellowship.
Throughout the year by efforts and donations the Provincial Men’s Fellowship raise money for many worthwhile causes. The culmination of the annual project is at the annual Fellowship Day held each year on the 4th Saturday in June.
In 2012 the Men’s Fellowship celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary and a special celebration service was held.
To give you a flavour of our work listed below are some of the projects the Men's Fellowship have supported over the years:
Sports Equipment for the Moravian School in Matho
Moravian Hospital in Tanzania
Elim Home in South Africa
Water Pumps for the Hospital and Leprosarium in Sikonge
HIV & Aids test kits for Tanzania
C.E.A. Shelter Project in Mandaville, Jamaica
Lusangi Junior Seminary, Sikonge
Hurricane Appeal in Jamaica & Honduras
New Bus for the Church in South Asia.
Summer Camp for the Youth
Jamaica Education Board
Work in Albania