
Welcome to the safeguarding page for the Moravian Church (British Province)


On this page you should find everything you need to keep all those the church comes into contact with safe from harm and respond to any abuse of the vulnerable you become aware of, or suspect. The safeguarding guidelines and the appendices do not cover every single aspect of safeguarding as that would make an enormous and unwieldy set of documents but provides for the most common questions.

I am available most of the time for urgent matters, and office hours if you have any safeguarding queries or need to talk about a safeguarding situation. One of the advantages of a small denomination is my relationship with all the churches and I hope this means you feel confident to phone me to discuss safeguarding issues. 

This guidance is evolving and changing all the time and if there is a topic you think should be included, please let me know.


Joy Raynor

National Safeguarding Lead for the Moravian Church in Britain and Ireland

Online Training Courses

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Where to get training?

We have a regular series of online training courses for Safeguarding in the Moravian Church


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Where to get help?

Help for those at risk of abuse, those who may abuse, and those dealing with incidents of abuse.

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