(Young People's Missionary Association)

The Young People's Missionary Association (Y.P.M.A.) was established in 1957, this being the 500th anniversary of the founding of the Moravian Church.

The aims of the Y.P.M.A. are:-

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To encourage children and young people to learn more about overseas missionary work.

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To try and put children and young people in direct contact with many aspects of the overseas missionary work through the media of Y.P.M.A.

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To encourage them to share the knowledge they acquire about the overseas work with other people, both young and old.

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To support this work, where ever possible, by their own personal giving and prayer and encourage others who may not necessary be members of the Moravian Church to do the same.

Each Y.P.M.A. member is given a Y.P.M.A. collecting card.

At the end of the year each child receives a Y.P.M.A. certificate and depending on how much they have collected during the year receives one of the following awards:-

£5 and over - SILVER BAR

£10 and over - GOLD BAR

£25 and over - PURPLE BAR

£50 and over - BLUE BAR

£75 and over - GREEN BAR

£100 and over - RED BAR

£150 and over - DARK BLUE BAR

£200 and over - FLUX BAR

£250 and over - MAUVE BAR

£300 and over - BROWN BAR

The bars are designed to fix to the Y.P.M.A. badge.


We also have a Y.P.M.A. hymn:-

Jesus our King Thou art,

Our Saviour strong and true;

In Thy dear love we all are joined,

In Thee we live anew.

Bless us Thy reign to spread,

Thy great salvation tell,

Till all the world Thy name adore

And shout “Emmanuel”

(Rev. A. J. Lewis, M.A.)

If you want to know more about the YPMA and what our current projects are please contact us today.

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