Mission and Society
Who are we?
The Provincial Mission and Society Committee consists of the following members: Sr Eunice Hoey, Sr Katie Grove Bond, Sr Jackie Westen and Br John Kilner (all members elected from Synod); Sr Sarah Groves (Bishop); Sr Lindsey Newens (Messenger Editorial Team); Brs Edwin Quildan and David Howarth and Sr Roberta Hoey (Provincial Board members). We normally meet five or six times a year in person or via Zoom.
What is the purpose of the Committee?
Our purpose is to encourage the Church in carrying out the Five Marks of Mission namely:
a) To proclaim the good news of the Kingdom.
b) To teach, baptise and nurture new believers.
c) To respond to human need by loving service.
d) To seek to transform unjust structures of society.
e) To safeguard the integrity of creation, sustaining and renewing the life of the earth.
Why did I join the Committee?
Not surprisingly, the committee are interested in the issues which are the burning issues affecting society today: Racial Justice, Family Poverty and the Environment. We have been exploring how our Church might play our part in bringing about positive change. The committee are looking at: a possible conference/meeting about family poverty; how we might celebrate the 75th anniversary of the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush; and how our congregations might become more environmentally friendly. Sr Sarah Groves updates the committee on issues specific to Northern Ireland. We have also discussed how we might raise the profile of the Moravian Church. One way we have considered is asking members to pass on editions of the Moravian Messenger to family, friends and colleagues. It is a free magazine so would involve no additional cost to the congregations. We have also discussed how we can encourage people to volunteer to serve on our Provincial Committees and how congregations could be better prepared to welcome those people living with dementia into our worship.
What does the Committee actually do?
On a regular basis, we pray using the Lord’s Prayer during private prayer times and at public worship. Each time we pray using this prayer we say these words: ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ When we say these words we are asking God’s Kingdom to be actually present here on earth now. I don’t believe we can pray those words without actually doing something to bring about God’s Kingdom here on earth now. I understand that His Kingdom will never be fully present until Christ himself returns to earth, but I believe that our time on earth matters. I believe therefore that the Mission and Society Committee is for everyone. You don’t need a special understanding of anything to serve on this committee. You just need to be enthusiastic about demonstrating the love of God to the world.
Sr Janet Cooper
Chair of the Provincial Mission and Society Committee